Waking La Llorona
Optika Moderna & The La Jolla Playhouse
No Proscenium: In Which We Find Ourselves Weeping With La Llorona
Haunting: Waking La Llorona - Seeing A Myth Through Fresh Eyes
Theme Park Adventure: Sleep No More Alumni Bringing Waking La Llorona to San Diego for Halloween 2017
In this fully immersive theatrical experience, audience members embark upon an individual journey through a dream-like world, passing through a sequence of intimate and powerful phantasmagoric one-on-ones. A haunting and compassionate reflection on the Mexican folk legend of La Llorona, created, produced and performed by numerous alumni of the U.S. production of Punchdrunk's Sleep No More.
photo by Dillon Fitton
video by Dillon Fitton
“The comparison between Waking La Llorona and Sleep No More is an apt one, and not merely because five members of the Optika Moderna creative team and cast spent time in that storied New York hotel that is now regarded as the grandfather of the modern immersive movement. Waking occupies that same heady, intangible atmosphere that made Sleep No More such a singular, addictive experience.
The tingling, intoxicating, light-headed sensation of floating away from our hard, literal world and into the hazy, romantic realm of ghosts and emotions and ideas and time itself. ”